Hi Amy,
I’m in no position to advise on whether to change medications, but I WOULD advise that you and Jeffrey talk about this with his doctor and soon. I was on Tapazole and didn’t have any of the problems he has with aches and pains, but I can’t say whether it was because of the medication or just the way I reacted to it. Seems well worth a shot, though, to ask about it. He wouldn’t be the first to not do well on one ATD and be put on the other and do better.
I’d be concerned with whether his levels are off — seeing the doctor every four months seems way far apart when he’s feeling so poorly. Please keep in mind that his levels could be within “normal” and still not be normal for HIM. He needs to be treated and adjusted on replacement until HE feels well. If anyone can’t get a doctor to work with them on that basis, I’m all for changing doctors. Thyroid is something that effects every cell and makes all the difference in how we feel — to be told that because one is in “normal” range and therefore nothing more can be done is unacceptable in my book. My endos have told me that they will work with me on balancing until I feel well whether that ends up in the high, mid, or low-normal range.
Keep up the good work — Jeffrey is lucky to have such a good advocate in his corner. Sometimes we warriors feel so lousy it’s hard to have the energy to follow through on this stuff ourselves.
Hello. I have been experiencing lower back pain on my left side for a few weeks now. After I sleep, I wake and I am so stiff as if the muscles tighten up from sleeping?? Once I get up and walk around some and stretch it gets a little better but takes a few hours to go away. There are some mornings I can’t bend down to put my socks on. Someone suggested I have a MRI to find out if I have any spinal problems but I wonder if it is just muscle aches that go with GD. I would think if it were something spinal related that it would bother me all the time. Have any of you experienced this in the a.m.? thanks.
I have had the same thing. I am very achy in the morning, usually on one side or in my back. I thought it was because I have put on weight. Is achiness part of Grave’s Disease?
I have GD and have achiness in my lower back and neck. Would like to know if this is part of GD.
I too have lower back aches and terrible neck aches. It would be interesting to find out if this is GD related.
Might be but then again it might not.
Not trying to be funny here. Aches are a real part of Graves’ for many people. While we are hyper our muscles may be jumping all the time and that does cause muscle aches and pains for many people.
In my case any change in synthroid dosage causes muscke twicthing in my large muscle groups. I just decreased my dosage under doctor recommendation for the second time in a month. My leg muscles have been jumping like I have one of those mechanical fish under my skin.
So it does make my legs ache at the end of the day.
Hope this helps somewhat.
On-line Facilitatorpatty my Doc said its normal.My chest aches and gives sharp pains and it awful. I always feel out of reath.
BarbsI posted my message about a month ago regarding my relaspe, so to speak. Within that month I have endured a c-scan, thyroid scan and an uptake. I have my levels checked once a week and with the stress on the vein in my left arm, it collapsed. I am due in for surgery on 2/18/02 with hopes that I will totally recover. I had to apply for stort-term disability because I could not work. I went in one day and collasped from the tacycardia. It looks like I will be out of work for atleast another 4 weeks and that is provide that I will be able to talk after the surgery because it is my second. I hate to sound bitter, but I am tired, scared and just pissed off that this is happening to me, again. I had a breakdown last Friday. I started cyring and could not stop and my fiance and mother thought that it was just some phase that would pass. They do not understand that 90% of the time I feel like that , I just could not hold it in at that moment. My fiance’s best friend was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago and I informed him of this website so that he too can see that he is not alone in the fight. Can you all pray for me this go round because to be honest I am tired of fighting and I do not feel positive about this surgery at all. I feel like I will be going through this for the rest of my life, and my body can not take much more. Thank you, as always for letting me vent. I do not get to do this at home and I needed it more than you know. Tammie
Hi there,
I’m new at this so hi…I have a question for you, when you said second surgery…..do you mean second thyroid surgery?? I have had RAI and a thyroidectomy and I am praying that you don’t mean you had two thyroid surgeries. I’m so sorry to hear about your problems and I agree it sometimes feels as if you’ll never feel good. I’ve been dealing with this since 1996 and once again I’m on the hyper side, hoping that it’s too much synthroid and not active thyroid tissue. The last time I was in, I was low so he gave me just a LITTLE bit more and now I’m high…crazy, crazy and again never ending. I’m glad we all have this GD site to help us deal with our frustations and questions. Take care of yourself and try to hang in there.
BriYes, it does mean that I will be going in for my second thyroidectomy. I hope that you do not have to worry about this. Good luck with your treatment and keep posting, it really helps.
Hi again,
I can’t believe that!! I thought that was impossible, really I did. I never in a million years thought that a person would have to go through all that. Did you have a total thyroidectomy?? Wow, I’m still amazed and I find it hard to believe that you still have tissue. I sure do feel for you and I hope things go good with the surgery. I’m glad I have you to correspond with because my Doctors made me think that I was paranoid for even thinking about active tissue. I still am not sure about myself, I’ll know in a month or so but at least I’m now aware that this can happen. Keep in touch and I’ll say a prayer for you. Take care and good luck
BriHi,I was diagnosed with Graves one year ago. I went into remission taking Tapazole for 6 months. Well my levels have been slowly elevating since May. The Dr. put me back on Tapazole. My question is ….Will I constantly be on again off again? My Endo said he would rather not burn out my thyroid because my levels are no where near what they what 1 yr ago.
My 2 question…He said I can only get pregnant during remission time. Is this true? And do I have to clean out my body of the tapazole for a while? Also, my endo said I will need to be monitered during pregnancy because my levels will most definatly rise and will need small amounts of PTU. Can I take PTU during pregnancy? Also. If and when I do get pregnant…will I have a hard pregnancy due to all the hormone changes…I am already very frustrated and have been a pain to my husband. (the poor guy)
Barbs -
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