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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Two weeks ago I went in for a biopsy for a nodule on my thyroid gland. The result was benign. (which I’m thankful for) I see my endo. this week for, I assume, treatment options. I had been telling myself that I would choose the RAI treatment. After reading several messages from several people on the board and reading about different symptoms people have with the RAI, I almost want to opt. for surgery. I don’t want to worry about weight gain, lack of energy, and other symptoms associated with RAI treatment. Does the option of surgery carry less symptoms? If I choose surgery vs. RAI, will I gain weight? Will I feel fatigued? Has anyone had surgery and can you tell me about the symptoms you encounted after the surgery? I guess my concern is going for the treatment option that will be better for me in the long run. What do you think?

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