Hi, me again!
Okay I am finally going ahead and knocking together a website. Ive got a friend who will be doing most of the design work while I do the coding for some of the other stuff.
What I am after for the moment is info regarding the effect on the various bodily processes for a little animated flash thingy that will pop up descriptions etc.
So really all I am after is accurate information, and also personal experiences. I know that quite a lot of medical encyclopedias dont mention the mood swings and the fact that you think you are going insane. That sort of thing. What I am aiming at is to increase the understand of GD. For sufferes and friends/family alike. Words and such are okay but images tell a lot more.
So e-mail me with your experiences, I promise I do read all my mail. I want to get this right. (ooh… could that be a bit of the engineer in me popping up there!) 
Hope you all have a good day today,