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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    You mean call him right now? Gee…I would have to get sick on a weekend. I’m not having any other symptoms though. I’ll let you know what he says.


    Post count: 93172

    Maria, please talk to your doctor about this at once. About 3 days after RAI is when your thyroid could be really starting to “dump” its extra hormone as it becomes damaged, and at this time even thyroid storm (an extremely critical condition) is possible.

    Your doctor should determine if this is from the RAI or something else.

    Best wishes, and let us know what you found out.

    Dianne W

    Post count: 93172

    Don’t know if this helps…but here goes…When I had the RAI, I had to wait in the Radiology waiting room for an hour. THe tech told me that this was in case I threw up, and if I did it could be contained. He said sometimes people have a bad reaction to the RAI and it usually occurs within the first hour. He never mentioned anything about days after. So, check with your doctor. Hope you feel better.

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