My experience with eye regimines and surgery were about the same as yours except that my mask was made of neoprene and looked like something like a hockey player’s mask and one of the character’s mask in a horror movie of a few years ago. With the lemons to lemonade theory since I was allowed to keep my mask after the treatments, I found that it worked wonderfully on Halloween.
I had the radiation treatments in the summer of 1994 (I think July, ’94). I suppose it is possible the methodology differs by hospital and might have changed in 5 years. I had the radiation treatments to “stabilize” my eyes which kept getting worse all the time. I guess it worked. They didn’t get better but they did stop getting worse and I was able to have the decompression surgeries the next year, starting in 3/95. I don’t remember everything perfectly but I will tell you what I do remember. I had 10 radiation treatments, Monday through Friday for 2 straight weeks (weekends off). I had to go for an initial appointment to get my “mask” made. It was like having a plaster cast made of my face. They put a shower cap on to cover my hair, then applied some kind of white wet stuff and I had to lie still while it hardened. That was not fun – it was not painful but I hate feeling like I can’t move. The reason they did a mask is to immobolize the head so decrease risk of corneal damage, as I understand it. For each radiation treatment, they would put on my mask (which was like screwed down to the table somehow so I wouldn’t move my head). The treatment only took a few minutes each day. It wasn’t bad at all, except a few days after the last treatment, I had a terrible burning feeling in my eyes, they were red, and I had trouble reading for a couple of days. I don’t know what caused that but it seems that doesn’t happen to most people. Hope I answered your questions. Feel free to e-mail me if you need to know anything else. Good luck.
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