I wondered if anyone could assist me in answering some quesitons about remission and antibodies. I was diagnosed about 10 years ago and have become hypo and am on synthroid. I’ve been closely monitored with blood work and have a good endo. I have been on a wide variety of dosages from very high to very low. Now I’m in the middle. We did a blood test last week that shows there are still antibodies (which I understand cause eye problems, etc.) floating around in my system. My endo says I’m not in remission and hasn’t seen as stubborn a case of Graves’ in 20 years of treating GD patients. I have now had 6 eye surgeries and am to have one more on my lower lids to “finish off” my new look but she recommends I wait several months & hope for remission as I’ve had post-surgery flare-ups in the past. Do we ever really go into remission? How common is it to still have antibodies show up in blood tests after so much time? and can’t Graves’ related problems crop up even if there are no antibodies? I’d love to go ahead & have this last surgery this summer. I had decompression, muscle surgery and my upper lids rebuilt last year and my eyes are “quiet” for the first time in years. So, I wasn’t in remission when I had those surgeries either. Any help would be appreciated.