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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Bobbi suggested asking an ophthalmologist whether it’s possible to have more than one flare-up of the eye disease. I asked mine that question. His reply was that most people don’t, but some people do have one or many flare-ups. (I had flare-ups following surgeries.)

    The antibody question is interesting, as far as when they cause problems. My daughter has antithyroid antibodies and yet so far her thyroid levels and a thyroid scan are normal.

    Post count: 93172

    As of 1 month ago, I’m in a remission. I’m still taking the “t” drug but in a lower dosage. Will have tests again in a few weeks to see how that dosage is working for me. I still have my thyroid intact. so my endo stated I will be on the med for life. Now the Graves doesn’t bother my eyes as much anymore but but still am limited on driving . When the tremors in my hands and arms slowed down considerably and my anxiousness left was the first signs we noticed. Also energy levels have come back and I’m completing tasks and working 6 days a week now at our restaurant. My mind fog is pretty much gone now. Am watching what I eat so I don’t gain weight and am physically active again. It’s been 1 1/2 years since diagnosed and given medication for hyper thyroid. Was misdiagnosed for 4 years at least before that so my muscles behind my eyes have scar tissue behind the eye so I’m going for irradiation treatment so the eye will be put back in the socket correctly. Believe it or not I’m looking forward to it so life will be back to normal. Hope this has helped and good luck. Dottie

    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with Graves Disease over one year ago, and have been treated with Tapazol. My doctor told me I am in remission because my labs have been normal for several months, but I still have the same physical symptoms from when I was actively hyperthyroid. So my question is, does remission mean just normal labs? My fatigue and forgetfulness is getting to the point to where it interupts my work habits, but I have already told them I am in remission ao they don’t understand why I still feel “sick”. I read this website and most every book available while I was hyperthyroid and they were a BIG help, but I haven’t found much literature on remission.
    Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

    Post count: 93172

    Remission basically means that without medication, your labs are showing normal levels of thyroid hormone. We all assume that remission means that we feel well, but obviously that may not be the case. I have more experience from the other end of things — i.e. getting to normal lab values after getting rid of the thyroid, and there we definitely do not automatically feel well. It takes time for the body to heal, so there can be a period of months where we rebuild strength and stamina. It can be frustrating and even depressing to expect to feel good as soon as the numbers are right, but not feel normal at all.

    Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator

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