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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I had GD symptoms three months before I went to the doctor, because I was afraid I was losing my mind. I started having eye problems about a month before being diagnosed. My symptom then was just swelling. Since then along with the swelling, I have double-vision, flashes, floaters, protruding eyes, pain, grittiness, and teariness. I’ve been to an ophthalmologist twice, and so far there are no serious problems. I’ve had two RAI treatments, and this all occurred before either of the RAI’s. I’m not on any antithyroid or thyroid meds. yet. I do smoke cigarettes. When I was first diagnosed with GD, I was very hyper. My radiologist mentioned I was bouncing off the walls when he did the thyroid scan, and this was just two days after I started on anti-anxiety med.

    I hope this helps you. Good luck to you.


    Post count: 93172

    I was hyper, had RAI, hypo then on sythroid. Haven’t felt good since. My eyes are getting worse. They became much worse shortly after RAI. The dr said there was some swelling before RAI.

    Post count: 93172

    Wait just one minute!!! I just read in a post that you can get TED any time…so hear i thought i was doing good only have 2 side effects and trying to deal with weight and hair issues and now i find out i could get boogly eyes at any time!!! i dont smoke cigaretts. i thought once this beast is in controll with medication all will be fine? you have to keep up on your health and medication but you should lead a normal life with out to much now i have to worry every nite i am going to wake up with another side effect?? someone please tell me it aint so…2 years after rai some one gets the eye peoblem?? i thought i skated on thru that problem!!!

    Post count: 93172

    I’m six plus years after RAI. The only eye problems I have are periods of dry eyes, which then just go away. Also, if my thyroid levels are off, I see floating fluoresent pink and green squiggly things. My endo told me this could definitely be thyroid or a pre-cursor to migraine, which I’ve never had. I do smoke(not much, I’m trying), but I hadn’t heard that it increases risk of TED? My lymphocytes have always been high(out of range) since my RAI. Does anyone know why or if it relates? Thanks, IWL

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