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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Margaret, any time you’re concerned about your eyes, you should see an ophtalmologist. I’m not sure what you mean by “fuzzy things.” I’ve had what they call “floaters,” which are black spots that float around in your eyes. They aren’t much to be concerned about. I’ve had flashes, which look something like flashes of light. Also, I’ve had double vision. I’ve been to an ophtalmologist twice, and the floaters and flashes were not a big issue. The concern with double vision is if it doesn’t go away. I don’t know if any of these describe what you’re experiencing, but you should definitely get your eyes checked. I didn’t check your prior post, but if you have GED, you may need to go back to wearing glasses until your eyes become normal. I stopped wearing my contacts in November,’98, and I’m still wearing my glasses. The swelling in my eyes has significantly decreased, but I’ll stick with the glasses for a while longer. My eyes still tear somewhat.

    I’m glad you’ve found a caring doctor. That makes all the difference in the world. I’ve had two RAI’s, of which the second was on March 30. They say the radiation doesn’t cause exhaustion. Medication can cause it. Also, this disease affects people in different ways. Some people say they have a lot of energy when they’re hyper. I’ve mostly been tired.

    Good luck and God bless.


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