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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Although these “floaties” may be nothing, they could also represent something serious. Since we are not supposed to dispense medical advice on here, I suggest you just maybe run by on your lunch hour and get your blood pressure checked–sometimes that causes it. If not, and you still don’t feel right–go in. I understand about losing work, but would you rather lose an hour or two to rule out something, or ignore it and find out it was really serious and wind up losing several days and/or weeks to recover?

    One of the most important things we all should learn when we are diagnosed with Graves is that WE are the most important thing in our lives, not our job, our kids, our significant other, our parents–nothing else. Because you see, if we are not well, we can no longer function efficiently with any of the others. They will gripe and complain (who wouldn’t if the person who did everything for them suddenly slowed down or stopped doing it because they were sick!) but they WILL get over it!

    Take care of yourself dear. We all care what happens to you and you should too.

    Mitakuye Oyasin
    Valerie McAlister
    NGDF Online Assistant Facilitator

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