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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Becky,

    I came across some of your prior postings back in the begining of Feb about the hot and cold sensations. I have been feeling the same thing lately and I was just courious as to how you have been. You mentioned that you were getting blood work in six weeks, was that helpful in explaining your symptoms? My current situation is very similar to yours and I was hoping you may still be reading the bb and be able to offer some support.


    Post count: 93172

    At the time I was taking .025 MG of Synthroid and when I had blood test the last time I was a little hypo and told to change my dose to .05. I don’t have the hot/cold sensation right now. For the last five months I have gone hypo/hyper and change doses of Synthroid a few times. I go back and forth between .025 and .05 of Synthroid. I haven’t been to my doctor yet as his mother just passed away so my appointment was postponed another six weeks.

    Right now I just feel exhausted all the time. I work four day’s a week but I seem to miss a day ever other week to just sleep most of the day away. Yesterday was one of those days. I got up to take my daughter to daycare and came back home and slept until 2:30pm and if there wasn’t someone at my door I wound not have gotten up then.

    I don’t really have a passion for anything right now. I just try to get thru the day and expend what little energy I have after work playing with my daughter.

    I hope to discuss this with my doctor when I see him next. I don’t want to take another wait and see answer this time around. It has been almost six months since my last appointment. So we will see………

    I hope you feel better soon.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Becky,

    Thanks for responding. I’m sorry to hear that your levels are still not regulated, I know just how you feel. I read in your prior posting that when they changed your synthroid dose you started to get the heart palpatations and your doctor cut your dose in half. Did the palpatations go away for you once you took the lower dose? I am just courious because my sitution was similar. After a change in my synthroid dosage within a week I had heart palpatations and other various hyper symptoms. The doc keep decreasing the med to relieve the symptoms and they never went away. I am currently not taking any synthroid and the palpations and everything else are finally starting to subside a little. Were you given any ideas as to why you had those symptoms? My appointment is next week so hopefully I will get some answers. I hope you start feeling better soon.


    Post count: 93172

    I have not had heart palpitations lately. I don’t know the reason why any of this is happening for sure. I have only talked to the nurse in my doctor’s office. I have an appointment May 15th so I hope to get a lot of questions answered then.

    Personally, I think the dose of RAI I had was very low and not enough of my thyroid has been killed off. I had RAI April 3, 2005. At the time I researched everything about the procedure but not about the range of dosage administered. I later found out that my dose was very low. That is just my personal opinion.

    Sorry you are feeling so lousy but at least I know I’m not going crazy if you are experiencing similar symptoms.

    Please let me know how your doctor appointment goes. I hope you get answers and some resolution to the symptoms you are experiencing.

    Good luck and hope you feel better soon.


    Post count: 93172

    I will keep you posted, my appointment is on the 26th. I too felt less crazy reading that someone else was experiencing the same things that I am, not that I would wish this on anyone. I also was wondering if enough of my thyroid had been killed off from my rai back in 8/04. Hopefully I will get some answers and you do too. I will keep you posted. Thanks for your help.


    Post count: 93172

    I saw my dr yesterday. My levels have stayed in the normal range for the last couple of months. He said that my thyroid levels are stable now. He thought about 25% of my thyroid is killed off and that over time more will die off and that I won’t need RAI again. I hope he is right!

    I still feel exhausted and have mood swings. He is sending me to my GP to work on the symptoms I am having. I was really disappointed when I found out he wasn’t going to treat me for the lingering symptoms of this GD. And that I have to wait six more weeks to get into my GP. He said I would probably need an anti-depressant after telling him what my symptoms where. So I’m playing the waiting game again until June 29th.

    I hope you are starting to feel better.


    Post count: 93172

    I’ve posted here many times in the past and it’s been a while since I’ve visited this board. You all have really helped me when I’ve had questions and it’s so nice you guys are outthere.

    I have Graves, but fortunately for the past almost year I’ve been completely off of any drugs for it. I took PTU for almost 2 yrs. andthen after that I took Synthroid for low thyroid. It’s been a long journey and I’m only 28 yrs. old. My question is it common to be off of meds like this when you have Graves? I’ve had nothing done to my thyroid other than taking antythyroid drugs. I’m a healthy person and I exercise faithfully and I’m wondering if that’s why I’m doing so well. I feel great! I do have to be careful not to over do it,or I can count on being worn out, but other than that I’m fine. I do know that I serve a BIG God who looks out for me.

    Is this pretty normal?

    THanks, Diane

    Post count: 93172

    Antibody levels can rise or fall for unknown reasons. With an autoimmune disease, antibodies attack a body tissue, and try to destroy it. So we have been told that the typical progress of Graves is for the antibodies to wear out the thyroid, leaving us hypothyroid in the end.

    Some people have antibodies for both Graves and Hashimotos. In that situation, it is at least theoretically possible for there to be fluctuations between hyper and hypothyroid conditions.

    As to what has happened to you, none of us can say. The important thing is for you to keep in mind that your thyroid function is, at best, “wonky,” and that you should have it regularly checked from time to time. Our doctors typically indicate what period of time between checks is necessary, but if you detect problems that you suspect are thyroid, ask for a check yourself.

    Wishing you good health,
    Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator

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