Well, it seems that I may not have graves after all. My family practitioner
said I had Graves after two blood tests. I decided to see an Endocrinologist (thank goodnes I have good
health insurance and don’t need a referral!). The Endo said it is probably GD,
but that I needed more tests to make sure.
I just finished the thyroid scan and 24 hour iodine uptake test today.
The nuclear medicine doctor who interpreted the tests said that I have no
sign of Graves. He also asked me if I had been taking anything that has
Iodine in it, such as mineral supplements from a health food store. Well, I
had been doing just that until about a month ago.
Does anyone out there know how long it takes for Iodine to leave the body?
The Dr. also said that in rare cases of GD there is a very rapid uptake and
very rapid (release? use? whatever) of the iodine. There is a six hour uptake
test that will catch these cases. I don’t know if the endo will recommend that
test. He did yet a third blood test, so maybe it will depend on those results.