Hi, Maria!
It’s hard NOT to wonder if day to day symptoms we feel are Graves’ related. The thyroid is sort of the center of all functions in our body, so a change in hormone levels could affect you in strange ways.
Maybe this info will help. “Your Thyroid, A Home Reference” (Wood, Cooper, Ridgway), pages 65-66 says:
“As your thyroid begins to fail…changes may occur in the tissues beneath your skin that lead to a characteristic puffy, swollen appearance known as myxedema. This is often particularly apparent around your face and eyes…A few pounds of weight gain may occur due to water retention…Your muscles may become sore and you may be awakened at night with leg cramps. Muscle swelling may occur and may make your tongue (which is a muscle) bigger.”
No, Maria, you’re not losing it. Although, the stress of finals could certainly be affecting how you feel. Hang in there!
Best wishes with finals!!
Online Assistant Facilitator