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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      A few days ago I posted a message about Propylthiouracil I
      am sorry but I gave out the wrong site address please go
      This should take you to the information.

        Post count: 93172

        Interesting article, but I would be a little leery of tests that were
        done on hampsters, guinea pigs and lab rats that get cancer if you look
        at them wrong. I’m not going to worry about PTU unless they come up with
        actual studies on humans (or at least animals which are a lot more related
        to us than rodents, like chimps and the other great apes) and using dosages
        that relate to the real world. I remember all the screaming about how
        sacharine was cancerous, until it was pointed out the rats were fed the
        equivalent of several pounds of sacharine a day for their short lives.

        Jean C

          Post count: 93172

          The drug has been banned in South Africa.
          Who are the human subjects?
          You and your children?

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