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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with graves in January of 1998. Since then I have been taking PTU and feeling great. My endo and I have a good relationship and I have permission to change my dosage as needed. However, lately my joints have been hurting really bad and are very tender to the touch. I reduced my dosage (thinking i was hypo) and the symptoms went away but then I began feeling hyper. Is this just because my levels are changing? How likely is it to develop a reaction to PTU after this much time? I have talked to the endo and she changed my meds once more to a lower dose three times a day. I am waiting to see if my pain subsides but I am curious to know if anyone else has had this happen. Also, the skin around the joint becomes inflamed and a lump appears. Sorry so long!!! Jenna

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