YOu have a perfect stick going down at the conference to draw press in like a magnet. Jake cocker cut would do it. You send out mega press releases on it. Do follow up calls they like the weird stuff and getting a cocker cut for Graves disease is enough to drag them in. THen you need trained people to handle the media. For example to make sure that they understand the fact that little is being done to prevent the need for eye surgeries. Your press conference would become a daily even at the conference. At registration you have proposed before and after shots of Jakes hair cut. Anyone good woth a computer graphics program can make jake bald, poodle cut, cocker cut, flat top with graves warrior carved in the fade and so one. in addition to funds raised to support various different warriors you then have a reffale that has them guess the lenth of the hair and what cut it will end up with.
With each new thing that you do you educate the mediaso lets be creative and see how we can do this.