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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have been requesting Prednisone since March. I only got the med for 3 weeks in May which helped get my right eye back into my head. I stopped per a neuro-ophthalmologist and noticed that the left eye began to go bad next. I restarted Prednisone again this month. Part of the problem is that my disease is not yet in remission. If I go off the med now, my symptoms will return.
    I keep hearing two things from doctors and people with Graves’
    1)Lower stress level as much as possible &
    2)Wait for remission (about 2 years)
    I have no answers since I am new to this. I can’t sleep and my heart is still racing. My eyes are blurry and my lids don’t close. It is hard not to be stressed with all this! For me I am going to weigh the symptoms of the meds with the symptoms of my eyes. If my vision is in danger, then I will keep taking the med. I have cared for many patients on Prednisone. None of them die from the med, but they would die without it! ie: emphysema patients. So there is my experience.

    Post count: 93172

    Thanks, Nytyngaal, for your reply. I think my plan will be to use the prednisone as little as possible, but not be afraid to use it if I need it. I’m a professional musician and decided to go ahead and take it for a couple of weeks so that I can play for a local musical production. First rehearsal was last night and I did OK. I noticed that the pharmacy sheet on pred said immunizations can be a problem – do you know if it’s OK to get a flu shot while on pred? Thanks!

    Pianogirl (Karen also!)

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