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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Had to add my two cents.

    I hate prednisone!! Said last week I fent like a road kill coon three days into a
    four day bloat!! BUT!! I have been on 60mg a day for two weeks due to facial numbness.
    Had a CAT scan done yesterday to see how much room I have in the sinus area. Will get
    more surgery it looks like Friday. (Sinus drainage holes) The radiologist did not know
    what to do when they did the CAT scan on someone who had a three wall decompression
    of the eye sockets. No reference points to go by. Kind of funny.

    But back to prenisone. I have noticed bloating and water retention. I have not noticed
    any reduction in the facial numbness. But I have notice I am sleeping better and my eyes
    have not hurt for a week. I almost forgot what it was like to not have my eyes hurt all
    the time. It is a plus of tremendous proportions!!!

    I guess as long as my cloths still fit and my wife loves me I can look like bloated roadkill.
    Will see you all on chat tonight!!! May be there late have a Scout function to go to.


    Post count: 93172

    I’m looking for an endocrinologist who believes in people not paper. I tried to phone 1-800-thyroid, but operator said not working. Can anyone help?
    Thanks Brenda

    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for all of your posts on prednisone. I have been on this
    now for almost 10 months of varying doses. Now on 30 mgs. The real
    bottom line for me personally is weighing all the side effects against losing
    ones sight. I guess I can put up with the side effects hoping there is real light
    at the end of the tunnel and the prednisone and other meds will make
    that light happen. It looks like all the bad for me outway the good so
    the warrior battle goes on with the puffy, stuffy meds.


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