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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi all! I have a question re: recent problems I’ve been having with this deficiency.

    First of all in Feb I tested high in TSH (12) with high heart rate & palpitations and muscle fatigue. Doc said I had an electrolite imbalance – low in potassium, phosporous and sodium. I was given an increase in “S….” as well as packets of potassium, phos, and sodium in powder form to take three x’s a day.
    6 weeks later I was tested for TSH (almost nil) and doc decreased the “S…..” and I tested normal in the three electrolites, and was told to discontinue the packets.
    Now 6 weeks later, when I thought my meds were almost stabolized, I landed in the hospitol on wed. with high heart rate & palps, and yesterday it got worse and my HMO put me back in the hosp again overnight for observation because of the same prob. H/R was 135+, and palps every few beats for over 6 hours. The calcium channel blocker I was given on wed didn’t work right, so I was given another beta blocker, “P..nol” which has started working, and I do feel better.
    What I don’t understand is the doc’s say it is a combo of thyroid meds being off (although lab work on TSH is not back yet) and I have another severe potassium deficiency, which they say can certainly case the heart palps. They also gave me meds for anxiety, which made me mad. Who wouldn’t be a little anxious after that??
    Since I stopped taking these packets I have been on a magnesium/potassium supplement 2x’s a day, as well as multivitamin, and I drink raw apple cider vinegar 2x a day thats loaded with potassium. I even eat banana’s (YUK!!).
    Anyone else out there with this problem. Why would the body obviously reject potassium. They gave me 4 big HORSE pills before being discharged. Also, anyone else out there having trouble regulating their thyroid replacement dosages even after 10 years?
    I’m at my wits end with this. Shari

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