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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Ok, so I’ve had this lovely disease for over 2 years now, But something I noticed is different…Different, My pms starts 2 weeks early tender breasts, moodiness, feeling bloated. And sometimes my periods are off, mostly early, (this is after 2 weeks of pms)…I state sometimes, because I am VERY regular. My sex drive has went from very active (prior to being diagnosed) to not EVEN thinking about it or even feeling sexual. I realize I’m getting older, but come on, am I the only one who has been having these problems? I’ve only been married for 5 years, so the sex is a big thing to me…my husband is totally understanding and very loving—Thanks to this website. I would just like to know if this is part of Graves, or could it be something else? Any ideas? I’m very open to all opinions.

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