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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi All,
    I was diagnosed last April with Graves, had RAI in May and became hypothyroid 12 weeks later. I am now taking .125 mcg. of Levoxyl. Over the last few months my eyes have become extremely photosensitive and dry. I went to my opthalmologist today and he told me that I had very dry eyes and that my lids were probably not closing all the way when I sleep at night. This made sense to me because sometimes when I awaken it feels like my eyes are so dry they are made of cardboard! Well, my doctor treated the dry eyes with collagen “plugs” that are temporary and will be replaced with a permanent laser closing off of the tear drainage hole (punctum) in about a week. The idea behind this treatment is that by not allowing the tears to drain so easily from eye, the cornea will stay more lubricated. I was nervous having this collagen plug put in and am wondering if anyone in the group has had this done and what were the results. I do not have bulging eyes but I do believe that my eyelids are not completely covering them when I close my eyes at night. Thanks and keep that warrior spirit!!!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Sue K:
    In the beginning of August, I had the permanent eye plugs placed in my eyes. Actually I had the opposite problem my eyes were always tearing instead of being dry. I never had the bulging eyes either or eyelid problems my eyes are real deep set. My neuro-opthamologist has indicated that bacause of eye muscle problems my left eye does not close fully either. At first I hated the eye plugs because for the first week my eyes were sensitive to them and I had some swelling and it felt like grittiness but it was just part of getting use to them, Now I do not know they are even there and my eyes look the best they have in months. I was skeptical about this procedure like yourself at first and consulted the BB people here before I had the procedure. Everyone sadi positive things and now I am glad I had it done. Best of Luck to you! Dee

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Sue K

    I had the temp plugs in and then the permanent cauterizing done of my ducts, What a difference it made! I went from not being able to get enough drops in my eyes to not haveing to use them at all anymore.

    Best of luck with it! Bruce

    Post count: 93172

    My eyes do all the same things your eyes were doing but all the optho said was to put the eye drops in every hour! I am jealous! I even have chemosis, this junk in my eyes that looks like contact lens. I think it is from having dry eyes. She said it is part of the Thyroid Eye Disease.

    I wonder why they did not suggest the plugs for me. For sure I am going to get a pair of sun glasses this week-end. That sunshine can be a killer.


    Post count: 93172

    I have tried the plugs, they rubbed against my eyes. so I have had my tear ducts lazered shut. The tears really flow now (too much). I still have problems with my eyes though–it did not stop the feeling that someone has kicked sand in my eyes.

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