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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Amy,

    As far as I know this BB was established in conjunction with the
    National Graves’ Disease Foundation and they are a nonprofit
    educational type of organization. I have read that the vast
    majority of patients having Graves’ Disease are doing fine.

    I did run across a web site the other day that did their own
    survey about how people are feeling. Of course they could only
    get their stats from the replies they recieved from people.
    So who really knows how everyone is doing.

    Great that you feel good too. Learning and being aware of the
    choices you have regarding your treatment is important. And of
    course keeping a positive attitude and taking the normal good
    care of yourself stuff sounds like a plan.

    One thing that is really cool about this site is if you do have
    any questions or need support there are people here who can be
    of assistance should the need arise. Also if you double click
    on the green logo on this page it will take you to the NGDF web
    site page and from there you can read up about Graves’ Disease.

    Take Care,
    Michele B. :)

    Post count: 93172

    I’m just wondering why you are having the RAI treatment if you are feeling so well as you are. How long have you had Graves’ and are you on anti-thyroid drugs?

    You have to remember that the people who post to these support groups are mostly the ones with problems. All the millions who are hypo and feel perfectly well don’t bother to post here!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Amy. I’m also a symptomless Graves patient, also a little scared of the toll the treatments seem to take. For now I’m just being as healthy as possible (eating right, exercising) and doing research. I am going to an herbalist next week. He hasn’t treated hundreds of Graves patients, but is very knowledgable about the disease and has had great success with several patients. If you’re interested in what I find out, please email me. I don’t want to be criticized for putting it on the BB (which is evident will happen) so I won’t be posting. So take care and best of luck in whatever you choose to do.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Kim
    I just posted a message to Amy which I hope you’ll read.

    Something came to mind when I read that you’ll be seeing a herbalist. On the newsgroup a lady posted that she went to a herbalist who recommended iodine tablets for her hyperthyroidism!! The herbalist said “Oh yes, these are good for thyroids”. Might be worth double checking any remedies you are not sure about.

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