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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Sorry to hear you feel so awful, Lori. The time when I first went hypo was the absolute worst for me, so I do understand.

    Your symptoms don’t sound unusual for someone who just went hypo and started thyroid replacement hormones (THR). This is one of those times when you will have to be somewhat patient, because the period of stabilization can be difficult for some people, and it takes time to feel better once you start taking TRH.

    If you aren’t feeling better 6-8 weeks after you started THR, I recommend you get back in to see your doctor anyway, or get a second opinion. (If I’d waited for all my appointments to get checked, I’d have been even more of a mess than I was, because my levels dropped faster than the appointments.)

    You WILL feel better, so keep your hope and find a way to get through this time the best way you can.

    Best wishes,
    Dianne W

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