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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Beth, I am so sorry that you are having a terrible time. Unfortunately, I think that this is quite normal with this horrible disease. Treat yourself to something nice like a bubble bath.When I am down I try to keep away form things that stimulate me. I put no pressure on myself. If I can’t work I can’t work. If I can’t do the house work I can’t. Just read if you can or listen to music or get a video. Susan

    Post count: 93172

    Trust me, it is quite normal. It seems as though the problem with GD is that NOTHING seems normal. I have experienced the same thing myself. Your doctor may be able to help with this a little bit. Good Luck, and keep me posted on how you are doing!


    Post count: 93172

    Been there, done that! It sounds like you’re saying you’re trying to come up from going hypo. That was the very worst time of my whole treatment period, and I lost LOTS of work, using vacation and sick leave, and then leave without pay. Part of the problem was that the endo I was seeing at the time was letting the dropping levels stay too low, so this went on for too long for me. If you haven’t seen your doctor recently, I suggest you consider whether you need to get an appointment now instead of waiting for the next scheduled one. Regardless, best wishes–it will get better!

    Dianne W
    Assistant online facilitator

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