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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jennifer:
    I had 3 decompression surgeries under general anesthesia and
    I was in the hospital 5 days for each one.
    Then I was told by the surgeons to stay out of
    work for 2-3 weeks. Part of it has to do with how you feel and
    what your doctor will excuse you for.

    NGDF, Asst. online facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I had my surgeries (each eye done separately) on a Friday on an outpatient basis and took all of the following week off from work. I was fine to return at that point (with some bruising yet). So, I had 2 weekends and 5 working days off, or a total of 9 days for me.

    Post count: 93172

    I have had orbital decompression one time and now I’m having problems again.The doctors say they may remove the fatty tissue from around the musles behind the eyes.Has anyone had this procedure done before.

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