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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Well that report sure answered a lot of questions for me.
    Now if I can find a doctor that would be interested in reading it.
    There are only two Pharmarcies here and I don’t know the Pharmarcist
    like I did back home. Debby your lucky that yours took such an
    interest in this report.
    My former GP gave me 3 months supply of synthoid so that I could
    have time to find a replacement GP here and get my medical records
    transfered. I pray that I find one who is sensitive and has some
    knowledge on Graves.
    Also my wrist and fingers are so stiff it is actually painful to
    type this so I’m worried about that. My SO is badly in need of
    of a haircut, I’ve been cutting his hair for nearly 10 years now
    and he refuses to go to someone else. If my hands don’t get better
    soon he may have to, or go to work looking like someone from the
    70’s :-) well hope everyone is doing great, I need to give my fingers
    a rest!.
    Love to all,

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