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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I’ve had Graves since November 96, and I’m not close to having any normal levels yet. I’m trying to find an endo and an ob gyn, but it has been a nightmare. My husband and I moved to Sacramento 5 days ago, and I found out about the pregnancy two days ago – It’s a wonderful surprise, but I’m terrified.

        Post count: 93172

        Congratulations! Don’t be scared! The odds are in your favor of doing just fine! GD does pose threats to you and the baby until you can get it under control. It’s imperative that you get to an ob-gyn and an endo. ASAP. My endo. called my pregnancy a “threatened abortion” for the first trimester. He put me on PTU and my levels and the pregnancy have been fine. The first time I was pregnant, I too had just been diagnosed with GD and my levels were screwy. (you must be doing well to be able to conceive–Yeah!) By 16 weeks, my body had straightened out (due to the pregnancy and the PTU) and I had a 9 lb, 10 oz. girl. Goes to show that there are silver linings in some dark clouds. I’m due in 12 weeks (I had RAI before conceiving this baby) and it’s smooth sailing so far. Let me know how you do–I’ll keep you in my prayers.

        God Bless,

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