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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi, all! I’d like to remind everyone of the upcoming conference at the
      end of the month. Get your registration info postmarked TODAY, please!

      This conference is a worthwhile experience that will strengthen and
      increase your knowledge about Graves’ disease and allow you to: meet
      people from the BB, compare notes on symptoms and treatments, talk to
      specialists without a bill (for as long as you have questions!), get
      informational handouts on Graves’, get info and freebies from eye care
      and thyroid hormone replacement companies, meet Nancy (our fearless
      NGDF leader), and have fun. Best of all, you have an instant, ongoing
      support group for three whole days!! :)

      Here are the details. . .
      July 31 – Aug 2nd 1998
      Galt House East, Louisville, Kentucky
      Phone: (502) 589-5200 Attn: Mae Kirk

      The Seventh Annual NGDF Family/Patient Conference will feature a
      multi-disciplined team of speakers, including Dr. M. Douglas Gossman
      (Graves’ Eye Disease), Dr. Ora Frankle (Psychiatry), Dr. Sally Lister
      (Psychology), Dr. Phillip Morrow (Endocrinology), Dr. Terry Hinkle
      (Cardiology), Dr. John Davidson (Dermatology), and David Bos
      (Family group facilitator). Other speakers and sponsors will be
      announced as they are confirmed.

      The hotel, The Galt House East, is selected for both its fine facilities,
      Southern grace and charm, and convenience. All rooms are suites, meaning
      they have a sitting room, wet bar and separate sleeping room and bath.
      There are only a limited number of rooms reserved at the special
      conference rate of $89.00 (single or double), plus tax. PLEASE REGISTER
      EARLY. Special conference rates are extended for three days prior to,
      and after, the conference.

      The hotel is right by the Ohio River. There will be a dinner cruise on
      the ” Spirit of Jefferson” Saturday night. The meeting rooms are large,
      and the halls have couches lined up and they can be moved into clusters
      for casual chatting and visiting. The Galleria is four blocks away for
      your shopping pleasure. There is an art gallery, The Bat Museum, and The
      Kentucky Derby Museum within two blocks.

      The first program will begin at 3:00 Friday afternoon, and the Welcome
      Banquet, sponsored by Bausch & Lomb, is scheduled for Friday Night.
      We will meet (with plenty of breaks, as well as lunch) from 8:00 until
      2:30 on Saturday, with the afternoon free for whatever you choose.
      Sunday’s meetings will be from 8:30 until 2:30, and you may plan your
      departure accordingly. Louisville is reported to be within an eight hour
      drive for more than half the United States.

      Registration may be mailed to:
      NGDF Conference Registration
      c/o Lois Leibowitz
      7 Eastover Court
      Louisville, KY 40206
      Checks (only) should be made out to NGDF.

      Conference fees are as follows: NGDF Member-$119, Non-members-$149,
      Spouse/family member- $69.00 (includes a $20 late fee after May 15, 1998).

      To register, write this info down on a separate piece of paper and
      send it in with your check:

      Daytime phone
      e-mail address
      Indicate that you are a NGDF member and include your membership number.
      Write “new member” if you just joined.
      Indicate if your spouse if coming along and if s/he is a member.
      Print the name(s) that you want on your nametag(s). You may want to
      include your Graves’ BB nicknames, also.

      **Deadline for registration is July 1, 1998.**

      Details from the NGDF homepage at

        Post count: 93172

        Hi Everyone!

        My E friends and I were discussing the upcoming NGDF annual
        conference this year. Now for all of you that have attended
        a NGDF conference, could you please tell us what type of
        conference games are played? And any ideas on what to pack?

        I am looking forward to being there and meeting everyone!

        Michele B. :)

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