Dear Warriors:-)
Well,hello there to all who can remember me ,lit’le one.Heehee I see all is well here and not much has changed since I last was here.It’s been awhile.I just dropped in to read some of the new postings (hmm interesting) Gotta admitt folks I wondered if I was on the BB for Anger Management,get my point I hope.I do though still want to say **Happy Mothers day ** to all you women,and I hope you all have a swell day and recieve lots of love and hugs.Well,I will go for now ,oh before I go for the ones wondering how my eyes are doing they are still the same and I’am still waiting patiently for my decompression to be set up and I di have the ten radiation treatments and they did take away the triple vision,which is alot better for television boy.heehee
I will say good-bye to all now and will drop by again soon,and a short message to all the ones who help run this BB ,I sure want you to know how much your time and work are appreciated here because if it weren’t for you few we would not be here —END OF STORY,NOW PLEASE END ALL THIS CRAP so others can get what they came here for,and thank-you for trying to understand,some of you guys I think need to get a lifesounds like the internet is all you have,think about it,and don’t reply as I am gone for another six months so please just try and take the good from all of this I posted as that’s really all I ‘m trying to accomplish here,bye for now all of you warriors and enjoy the weekend love and hugs to all of you lit’le one