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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Yesterday, I was talking on the cordless phone, doing laundry. I carried the basket to the laundry room and noticed the girls had left the back door wide open. I started to complain to my friend how I keep telling them not to do this because all kinds of critters will get in the house. (There is already a big “skink” living in the garage…just imagine a lizard on growth hormone/steriods if you don’t know what that is. Also, a couple of blue-tailed lizards running around the house). Well, she recounted something about a snake getting in her house recently and while I kept talking I went to shut the door. As I reached out across the threshold, I happened to look down. There, ready to make its grand entrance, was a very long (at least 3 feet), fat, black snake! I let out a blood curdling scream (to which my friend was in my ear saying, “omigosh, omigosh, what’s the matter?”). Did you know that snakes jump? This snake JUMPED and turned around and hightailed it the other way as fast as he could. By then my kids had come running, and I could say, “SEE, SEE what happens if you leave the door open.” The poor snake didn’t stop until he crawled under our fence and out into the woods.

    This kind of critter visitation is NORMAL in my part of Florida…I suppose they want to be in the A/C, too. It’s too hot and humid for man nor beast.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Glynis( in Sauna Bath Florida…..) Hey it could have been worse , it
    could have been an alligator…..hehehehehe!

    Post count: 93172

    Well, Lynn, I think the alligator is due NEXT week. Last month it was a hugh wolf spider on my back that the TV guy who was here had to kill. Hit me so hard he sent me forward a couple of feet. The spider was the size of a US half dollar and very hairy. Today, I stepped on one of those lizards that is roaming our house. So, I really won’t be surprised when the gator shows up…

    Post count: 93172

    Oh Yuck! And I thought we had it bad with rattle snakes and scorpions. The snakes don’t bother me, but after being stung by scorpions on nine differnt occasions, I have an unreasonable fear of them.


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