It has been a long week! The board has been all over the place. The lack of e-mail addresses has prevented me from sending some important information. The time expended on just a couple of subjects is doing two or three things: Diminishing the effectiveness of this board, which is here to support and encourage and educate; increasing the volume of my personal e-mail with complaints; once again, letting other people slip through the cracks. I am not the “bulletin board police department”, but the natural consequences of the bb being so scattered are that it will cease to be effective, and then it will cease to exist. Posts about Cytokine research and treatment, antidepressants, general doctor-bashing, accupuncture, Chinese medicine, elevating the head of the bed for sleep, targeted research, RAI treatment, hair loss, etc., ABOUND on this board. When there is a new person to post, one of the first things I tell them is to read the first three THOUSAND posts, to take notes, and then figure out what questions remain unanswered. We have eight or ten bb facilitators, all of whom are well qualified to answer reasonable questions. They were not asked to be referees. That is an unfair position.
If my frustration is showing, and I know it is, please realize that this board, and the NGDF itself is very important to me, but the energy to keep everyone on track is diminished when others are apparently debating for the sake of debate.
My e-mail is above. I do NOT expect to see any response to this on the bb–please.