The NGDF home page (can be reached by clicking the green thyroid at the top of the page)exceeded 50,000 hits sometime last night. I think this is impressive. Considering that the web page was at 24,000 in November. It took two years to hit 24,000 and 5 months to double that.
We have take action to put our site on quite a few medical web links and that is driving up the Graves exposure. We have also had quite a few medical type sign our guest book and say they would give our site to their patients. Some have contacted us for information and bulletins to give to their patients.
If you have not visited lately give it a look. We were hoping to have credit card processing ability by now but it will be a few weeks more. YOu will be able to join the NGDF, order bulletins, pay for your conference fees, order the Graves T-shirt and the like on-line!!!
We are still working on getting a facilitated CHAT with Dr. Whall in Toronto. Working on the particulars and will post it when we get it firmed up.
Keep on posting, and reading. We are only a click away.
On-line facilitator
Webmaster, NGDF