Hi. I just found out that my 14 year old daughter has Graves. The blood work came back today showing hyper thyroid. Still have to get the antibodies test results. Am doing alot of research. Have lots of questions. Didn’t know a thing about this until the diagnosis. I have to make an appointment with an endocrinologist. Is it necessary to take her to a pediatric endocrinologist or can I just go to a regular one? This sounds pretty scary. She already has ADD so it’s even more difficult. Her symtoms are increased appetite, weight loss, muscle weakness in arms, bulging eyes. I’m not sure what else to say.But I am glad I found this bulletin board. If anyone out there has anything that might help me, please let me know.
Karen, it’s possible your daughter’s ADD is caused by her thyroid disease. Several websites with excellent information on thyroid disease are
This site is written by doctors for patients.http://thyroidminingco.com
This site has excellent information on all thyroid diseases, treatment, diet and 100’s of links.A regular endo might be a good idea since your daughter is already a teenager. It must be very difficult for both of you to deal with thyroid disease and the usual ‘raging teenage’ hormones. Wishing you the best, Siggy.
This sounds similar to me in the fact that I knew nothing about this hyper-thyroid/Graves condition until I was diagnosed with it. I have have symptoms (seems like all of them!) for so long – perhaps a year – but just passed it off to stress, age, etc. So – now I want to know all there is to know.
I have not started on medication yet – I’m going through tests now – the next is the thyroid uptake scan.
Any information anyone can give would be helpful. It was my Ear/Nose/Throat Dr. that discovered this – He couldn’t believe the size of my thyroid. It actually inhibits my breathing/swallowing. And my symptoms weren’t all in my head – that is kind of a relief.
Do any of you go to the Support-chat?
Thanks in advance,
Cathryn -
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