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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I’m new to this support group.I was diagnosis 8 months ago and I feel I have been on a roller coaster…being hypo and than hyper…I had a rough start. I have tons of questions regarding graves disease.
      So here are some…..
      I would love to hear from people in regards to your course of treatment…..Tapazole vs. I-131. I am on Tapazole presently….feeling a little better for the past 2 days…..wondering what would be pros to moving on to I-131?
      I am recently experiencing hair loss…..I have thin hair to begin with…..will I go bald????????
      Sometimes my levels are okay and I still experience heavy sweating or some palpitation…..or walking up a flight of stairs than developing shortness of breath and tachycardia…I heard you get that from throwing some burst of the thyroid hormones….any one experience tha??????
      What about weight gain….Is it really hard to get it off when you drop your levels. Any secrets in success…I put some on when I was hypo!!!!!
      Enough for now …….looking forward to hearing from you!

        Post count: 93172

        I’m new to this support group.I was diagnosis 8 months ago and I feel I have been on a roller coaster…being hypo and than hyper…I had a rough start. I have tons of questions regarding graves disease.
        So here are some…..
        I would love to hear from people in regards to your course of treatment…..Tapazole vs. I-131. I am on Tapazole presently….feeling a little better for the past 2 days…..wondering what would be pros to moving on to I-131?
        I am recently experiencing hair loss…..I have thin hair to begin with…..will I go bald????????
        Sometimes my levels are okay and I still experience heavy sweating or some palpitation…..or walking up a flight of stairs than developing shortness of breath and tachycardia…I heard you get that from throwing some burst of the thyroid hormones….any one experience tha??????
        What about weight gain….Is it really hard to get it off when you drop your levels. Any secrets in success…I put some on when I was hypo!!!!!

      Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
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