I’ve read so many of your posts and you all seem so far along and are sooooo knowledgable – I feel really out in left field. I was told I probably have Graves Disease only a week ago. One eye is protruding and is always red and irritated. My vision in that eye is blurry. I’ve had normal thyroid blood work and a “normal” CT head scan. I went to a Neuro-Opthamologist who, despite these normal findings, still says I have all the “classic” symptoms of Graves. He’s getting some more specific thyroid blood tests done, but tells me I should do nothing treatment-wise except use artificial tear drops for soothing my eye. I have really tried to educate myself and everything I have read involves taking some kind of thyroid medication, radiation or surgury, etc. Should I get a second opinion? or is doing nothing the normal treatment in the first stages? Please help someone new get some answers. I’d really appreciate your replys. Also, is there nothing that can be done (short of dark glasses!) about this eye-thing. I don’t want to go around scaring people by the way I look (not that I didn’t actually scare some people before! ha).
Anyway, thanks!
Thanks!Hi Cheri,
I’m a medical student. Grave’s disease can be difficult to diagnose sometimes
so do seek a second opioin. I think any advises u get from internet is unauthorised. Noone knows your condition better than
your doctor. Your doctor are in the most suitable position to make any diagnosis.
Well, I hope you will get better soon as most of Grave’s disease( if it’s so ).all the best
Hi, Cheri:
I’m sorry to hear about your eye problems. It is very possible that you have what is sometimes called euthyroid Graves — it means that your thyroid is fine right now, but your eyes are not. There is no reason for you to contemplate meds, radiation or surgery if your doctors determine that your thyroid is not involved. The treatments for the eyes are separate from the treatment for the thyroid problems, and the course of the eye disease is generally separate from the treatment for the thyroid.
You can find more information about the eye disease specifically at
http://www.mayo.edu which is the web site of the Mayo Clinic. There will be links inside to lead you to the Graves’ ophthamopathy information. I have an old address, which may still be current for this site: http://www.mayo.edu/Mayo_Ophtho/Graves_info.html but if that doesn’t work, try the general address and work your way through.Wishing you luck,
Thanks so much for the reply. I think at some point I have either had or will have the thyroid problems as well. I have been unable to get pregnant even with hormone therapy for, well I haven’t taken the pill for about 15 years. I once had a TSH level my OB said was high. She sent me to an endocrinologist who said, “I don’t know why you’re here, this is within the normal limit.” That test was done maybe 10 years ago. I kind of suspect maybe my thyroid has been up a problem at least in that area. Anyway, I really appreciate the reply. I’ll check out the sites you mentioned.
Thanks again,
Thanks, I appreciate the reply. Thank for your input.
Hi Cheri, yes I would certainly seek a second opinion. Try and find an optho that specializes in GD. The eye problems are separate from the hyper/hypo thyroid problems. I told the doc once that I didn’t care what I looked like just as long as I could see. His reply was “you will care”. This won’t last forever, but you should have a knowledgeable doc watching your eyes.
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