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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks to all who replied to my post. I am thinking much more clearly now. I had a spell with an elevated and erratic heart rate which also helped me to see the light! Because I have a 9 month old baby, my endo has recommended drug therapy for now (Tapazole) but not RAI. I am sick of hearing that “Oh its not that big of a deal” from different Drs, though. From reading the posts here and other websites, I would say for many peoplle it is a very, very big deal. Thank you for your support, and I will keep you all posted!!


    Post count: 93172

    Hi, The information on this B.B. has really helped in the last month! I have had symptoms for at least 2 years but was diagnosed after a trip to the E.R. Beta blockers and tapazole are helping. The day I met my new endo. I was not in any shape to ask questions about regaining the strength I have lost. When is it safe to start exercising? How do they handle lowering or eliminating the beta blockers? Does added activity over ride the lower heart rate? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Tory,

    Welcome, and I’m glad the board’s been helping you!

    It’s best to ask your doctor when you can begin to exercise again — until your levels are good enough, you can do yourself harm by exercising too strenuously. Once you’re allowed, start slowly and work back up to whatever exercise level you were used to prior to your diagnosis (or, whatever level you’d like to get to). Your “new” muscle will be mushy and will need gentle guidance to become strong, functional muscle.

    As for the beta blockers, you will need to wean yourself slowly from them. I’m sure the doctor will give you a plan for this when it’s time to do so. In the meantime, keep on taking the dose you’ve been prescribed — the heart palps and other symptoms can return rather dramatically if you go off it “cold turkey.”

    Wishing you success in your treatment,
    NGDF Assistant Online Facilitator

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