Today I went to a new ophtho who was recommended by Gwen’s doc in Philadelphia (I’m in Dallas). I feel so good about it I’m almost manic. This guy is my kind of doc. He was:
Very professional
Very knowledgeable about Graves
Very willing to impart tons of information – we talked for 45 minutes
Very amenable to working with me on radiation to stop progression
Very adept at explaining in detail my CT scan
Very accessible – he called me back later this afternoon when I
needed to tell him that the endo he recommended wasn’t on
my plan.
Very encouraging – he said my main problem is eyelid retraction and
eventually we can fix that.
Wants to see me in 3 months to see how I’m doing against the baseline and talk about radiation at that time.
Hallelujah! Bulletin Board: thank you, thank you , thank you.