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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Well folks,

      Had to repost my message to you all referred to a web site. Took the website off and here is the repost.

      Evening Warrior’s

      Well Nancy has been posting that we have a membership drive on. It has done well and we are still shooting for more members in April. April is the month of the server!!!! All memberships this month will go toward server and internet services for the foundation.

      So if you use our site and you like it join!! Or if you are not the joining type, a donation to the foundation will be most appreciated. We strive to provide you accurate and timely information. We cannot do this without access to the internet or the server.

      So how about it folks. If you would like to help us out please join or send your donations to the NGDF. We have a few things that need upgrading and your help will make that happen.

      We are only a click away.

      On-line Facilitator
      NGDF Webmaster (Hear me whimper)
      NGDF Support Group leader
      Internet web head
      Second Cook and head bottle washer
      Collie walker
      Neighborhood snake catcher (have capture bag will travel)
      Assistant District Commissioner
      College Student (Yes still)
      Native American Flute maker
      You get the idea!!!! Seems I still am a type A personality

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