I need to know if anyone can tell me if Graves’ is covered by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
I am really getting hassled at work. I work at Wal*Mart since I went back to school because there aren’t any night classes around here and no one else would be willing to work around a school schedule.
Anyway, I was counseled in writing yesterday for “7 absences since January 10” and that means a total of 7 (actually 10 because they counted my 4 days off for my RAI as one) since January. Considering what has happened to others, I feel pretty damned lucky.
I took them some more info this morning. I took them a copy of Bobbi’s post on May 12 (very informative, by the way), the entire section on Graves’ Disease from the ATA link and a letter from my doctor informing me that I did, in fact, have Graves’.
I don’t know what else to do. I don’t want to lose this job because school is so important to me. I have been keeping up pretty well…an A in all my classes so far since I went back and it hasn’t affected my work performance. I am a cashier and I can lean on the counter when my legs are bad and I ask my customers to lift the really heavy things. I have become an expert at doing things the easiest way around there! My evaluation said my work was fine.
I am sorry if this seems like whining. I don’t mean to. It has been a particularly bad day physically. My Lit professor told me today that she also has Graves’ and she understands what I am going through. That helped. But, no one told me not to eat shell fish and Saturday night after a delicious dinner of shrimp stir fry, my thyroid swelled up and I almost choked! The day of my RAI, I had shrimp and the same thing happened. NO ONE TOLD ME! I called the clinic where my doctor is and got told my the receptionist that he was busy and if I wanted information, go to the library! I get told I probably need to see an Endo. The nearest one is 112 miles away in Missoula and is not taking any new patients because he is semi-retired!
Sorry. I feel better now! But, I really would like to know about the ADA aspect. If they try to fire me, I want to know if I’m covered. And, you don’t have to answer me privately. I’m sure others would like to know too.
Thanks for being a “Shoulder to Cry On”!
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