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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I was diagnosed with GD the day after I was in an accident at work. Not only that, but the female organs wouldn’t function properly at that time. I asked for disability, but was laughed at and ridiculed. NOw, I go to see a lawyer who believes that I am telling the truth: he said it’s a long-shot to get anything from the insurance or even for disability. I don’t know where to go. I do know that I did get some help from the county only. I’m getting progressively worst, my situation has been causing me to get depressed again and I’m feeling as though I may never be able to do anything right.
      Is there anyone who had success with disability claims? This lawyer that I am seeing would like to know the long-tem effects of GD, if it would render me disabled for life or not and I don’t know about you, but all I want to know is whether or not this was caused by the accident.

      Oh, by the way, the children that were on the bus with me : the younger ones kept saying “Ann got hit by the bus and she’s not feeling good”. When I had to take my PTU with my meals at work, they said the medicine was “for her nerves”. I had a lot of laughs.

      Hope someone can help.
      Ann N

        Post count: 93172

        When I went to my endocrendonolists (sp) last week I ask about Graves and stress and he felt that there was. He said that he had seen several patients after they had lost a job or death of a significant other.
        I had read somewhere that stress may “bring on” graves and would
        like more info too.

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