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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Sure would like some support and direction. RAI in March, now on beta blockers. Do bb help tremors? Beta Blockers are perscribed ‘as needed’ SIGH. Feel so alone in this Graves walk, please respond to this reaching out. Trying to survive till hypo arrives and then will struggle too,I think.Please don’t leave me out here my myself.

    Post count: 93172

    Beta blockers do help with some types of tremors, for whatever reason. I had a neurologist prescribe some for me for tremors before my Graves/hyperthyroid diagnosis (but while I was hyperthyroid — long story). I think the main reason for beta blockers, though, is to protect the heart. So, checking your heart rate occasionally might be an indicator of whether you need the b.blocker or not. These drugs should not be stopped all at once, typically, so if you are taking them rather regularly, you need to wean yourself off them once it looks like you might not need them any longer.

    Bobbi — NGDF Online FAcilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I have been on beta blocker (Toprol XL) for 2.5 years for blood pressure issues. I have never heard of the instruction ‘take as needed’ for this particular medication. Perhaps you need to check with your doctor on what that means and how you check to see if you need it or not. Get it in writing, our memories are not too good when we are dealing with GD.

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