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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My daughters endo. made it sound like once she had the RAI, she would be getting better after a short adjustment time. I’m so scared for my daughter…I’ve been reading all of the messages on the BB, and so many of you have had bad experiences with treatment. I feel so helpless! Isn’t there any way to make this experience easier for people with graves’? My daughter will go for RAI this summer during her college break. I’ve also read here, that surgery leaves a lot of the same symptom results. My heart breaks for all of you…this is such a tough disease to conquer. Also, I have my own health crisis, too, so sometimes, I feel like it’s all I can do to get myself out of bed…let alone be a comfort to my daughter. I guess the rain is making me feel blah, today…I’m just glad that I have this BB to keep me informed and sane!


    Post count: 93172

    All people are not the same! Therefore, all people will not have the same symptoms! Don’t spend your days fretting over something that may NEVER happen! When and IF they do, take it one day at a time! That’s all you can do! I’ve learned this the hard way! I am talking with several people who have been there and done that and are adjusted for years now and it wasn’t as bad as they expected! But, one day at a time! Don’t waste ur good days thinking about bad days that may never come! We can handle a lot more than we think we can! At least this disease is not like getting the death sentence of some serious cancer with no treatable solution!

    Post count: 93172

    Hello all you wonderfull people out there. My sister An (maybe you have read her messages about two weeks ago) is very bad.She had a RAI in november last year but everything went very wrong.She was in the hospital for 4 weeks and is out of it for two weeks now.For the moment she stays at my place so she is not alone and there is someone to support her and take a litlle care,I do what I can.Still her situation is not stabel.Yesterday she had a fairly good day and even was out of her bed sometimes,today things are terribel again.Her bloodlevels should
    be normal now but still her situation is going up and down.Can anyone out there tell me how long it is going to take befor she is back to normal again?
    Warmest regards and all the best to all of you, Wout

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