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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Speaking of blood tests, I would like some input on this one. Today all my regular thyroid levels came back normal, mid range (T4, T3, T7 and TSH) But they did a TSI this time and that showed high (weakly positive) and the TSH by THAT test showed slightly above normal. From what I gather reading the lab result page, it can be normal for people with Euthyroid Graves’ Ophthalmopathy to have a high TSI. Any experts on this out there? Then why the high TSH by this other test?

      With the symptoms I’m having, the doc next wants to do a HIV test since everything else he’s done has come back normal. That’s a lovely thought to stick in my head right now! Don’t see how it could be possible but who knows. What an adventure this whole thing has been!


        Post count: 93172

        Hi, I just got my test results in the mail and I see that no TSH was detected and T3
        is 622 and the Thyroxine is 26.3… what does this all mean??

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