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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Forgot to say what the actual problem is – its my hip – hurts terribly when I walk and my arm. Haven’t checked w/my doctor yet. Has anyone experienced these types of problems and if so can you tell me what your doctor has said? Thanks Again. Sorry for the 2d Post.

        Post count: 93172

        Hi,Sue. Sound like your in the same situation as I am. I had the MRI and now have severe arthritis in the upper back area which has affected my muscles in my arms and hands. I sure wish I knew the answer to your question. I have a real difficult time trying to get out of bed in the morning.

          Post count: 93172

          Had RAI treatment 1 1/2 years ago, on level w/synthroid this past June. Am experiencing fluid problems and joint muscle pain – does anyone know if there is a correlation between the disease and arthritis or problems w/muscles and joints once you are on level? Thanks.

            Post count: 93172


            There is some evidence that other auto-immune diseases may come along with the Graves’ such as Rhuematoid Arthritis. Many of us have those aches and pains, with me it is my upper body and arms. Your doctor should test you for this stuff, mine did recently although the beginning stages of rhuematoid may not show up in the tests for a few years. Mine were negative but he suspects it anyway. You should probably be checked for fibromyalgia, etc also on the very slim chance one of those is affecting you.

            I just moan and groan a lot, then laugh about it! Really funny tho, when I’m rock climbing, the pains seem to go away. Fear probably takes over!


              Post count: 93172

              Me too. I do physical therapy, massage, stretching exercises and sometimes ibuprofen or acetimenophen. Nothig helps more than temporarily. Good luck–Kendra

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