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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    GWEN… just a word of appreciation, I printed up your post re: radiation and eyes. One never knows if others get any feedback. I frequently don’t, but don’t let it bother me. Then sometimes I do and I try not to let that bother me either!

    JOAN RYAN… Hi, you were responding to my post about my uppity T-3?
    Actually, as it is my self produced T-3 ( I am on ATD’s remember) I guess we are in very different situations. But my doc doesn’t mind doing all the tests for me ever. I pay for them.
    BOBBI…got any info on what it might mean, though? Normal T-4, High T-3?
    SCARED…how are you doing?

    LESLI…Your schedule sounds difficult, GD or no. Rai doesn’t do anything to the antibodies, and of course you might still have some functioning thyroid. Anyway to rest more? Hope you doctor can help you figure out what the next steps are.

    CAROLINE…nice post and I am ready for the offer to pay our way to Hawaii.

    DENISE…boy I hope you are getting answers to your questions about your “double whammy” on the eyes. Best wishes to you.

    ROSEMARY…no word from you for so long and then there you are with TEXAS hospitality. Steve, maybe you should go. Rosemary has a quiet healing presence. It is always fun to find out she is still around. Watching the rest of us…..and wishing us well, I feel.

    CHATTERS I got thrown off last night, didn’t mean to leave without wishing you all well. Especially, of course, JAKE aka ACHGOOK.
    I will pray for your safe journey and great wisdom for those doctors.
    JAN is in my thoughts too. Being brave can tire a person out, but you guys get the prize. ( not sure what that is in this time realm…but you get it!)
    PS sorry about the 3 messages earlier…it took almost for ever to respond..guess I need to increase my trust level. I’ll push once and wait…………………this time. When the response is slow on the board, it does make it all a bit harder. I hope we won’t be too hard on each other.
    EM great idea, get those hot articles right onto the bb. Thank you SUE ROSE for the addresses.

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