Hi Randi
I took lorazapam before the MRI. It relaxed me a bit. The technician offered me an eye mask –you know like for sleeping with–and I declined. Must have been nuts. I kept my eyes shut the whole time, very difficult! I’m not trying to make you feel nervous, but just trying to help you a bit before you get there. Try and concentrate on something you *really* enjoy. Something special to take your mind away. My husband came with and held on to my feet and it was comforting. Also, they will probably offer you ear thingies to muffle the noise. Take these, too. It’s a noisy machine. Don’t worry. Nothing hurts, and maybe you will doze off.
When are you going for the MRI? Let us know, and remember we will all be ‘with you’
As for your eyes getting worse…Try not to worry, stress is not a good thing for us (easy to say, huh?) Nevertheless, those us with TED just have to wait it out. But talk to your physician about treatments if your eye tissue swells. Surgery usually is undertaken when the eyes have settled down. This way the docs know that there will not be further changes and the surgery won’t have to be repeated. It sounds as though your physician is doing the right tests.
Keep in touch and let us know if we can answer any more questions.
Take care,
Hazel ;o)