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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Randi,
    Just wanted you to know I have had the MRI and I was scared at first, but I had never seen nor had one before either. It was not bad, just noisy from all the magnets that are in the tube. I was there for almost and hour, but did not stay “in” the tube. Only the upper part of my body was in this one, not quite to my waist. The technition brought me out 3 different times to change the picture settings for the next round. He was very reassuring and caring. He would always tell me when he was about to change something, so I wouldn’t be wondering what was going on. I hope this helps alleviate some fears for you. I kept my eyes closed during the whole process and just tried to get a little rest while I was lying on my back. If it had lasted longer I really feel like I could have taken a nice nap…lol
    Hugs and prayers to you,

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