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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

            I answered your last message but as you said we had problems with the message board.
    You can self addressed envelope and we will take care of the postage. You were the first
    person from Germany to write in but we have one in Africa and one in the UK. We will be
    having a once a month chat room open soon. It will allow you to “talk” to other people
    with Graves just like we were sitting in a room. I will be on line as will other support
    group leaders from anound the US. We are working out the details now. As for Graves
    treatment in Europe I belived you are further advanced than we are here. Our food and
    drug admistration is very slow to approve new drugs and treatments. My family lived in
    Germany for three years and my son was born in Frankfurt in 1979. Look forward to hearing
    from you.
    Jake George

    Post count: 93172

    Hi everybody,
    it seems that I am the only European that has found
    this page sofar (and has been diagnosed with Graves
    Disease). The first message I wrote last week
    seemed to have disapeared, problems with the message
    board I guess.
    The treatment of Graves – Morbus Basedow as they call
    it here, seems to be a bit different here in Germany,
    at least what I can say about me – have not met anyone
    else yet in Germany. This net seems like a great chance
    to learn about other people – I love it already.
    For now I would like to know whether I can also write
    to this association (forgot name) and send an envelope,
    just don’t have any american stamps – what can I do?
    My main concern when it comes to Graves disease is:
    Graves Disease and Pregnancy, every doctor tells me
    something different about it and I would simply like
    to hear from women who have been through it. I am
    thinking about having children and simply don’t know
    how difficult this will be. Help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

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