I have seen a lot of posts about memory. I thought I was losing it until some of you emailed me and said that you had the same problem.
Being in grad school is not helping. I called my program coordinator today and explained the situation and she was very familiar with Graves which shocked me.This is a graduate counseling program) They will try to accomidate me as best they can in my classes. (Not sure how they would do that though)
Apparently, where she works in mental health, there are a lot of patients who have Graves. That is frightening is it not??
She mentioned something about pple with Graves manifesting manic behavior. Apparently, without my knowledge really, I have been somewhat manic a few times.
So Graves effects us cognitively, emotionally, behaviorally, physically, etc…? Those of you who are in college, or were in college when it started, how did you manage? I seem to be able to cope, yet with some difficulty, paper writing. However, memory and recall has hit the bottom of my academic life.
How do you deal with the roller coaster?
Any tips would be appreciated.
Maria B