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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I am going through the same trials. I had all the classic symptoms of hyperthyroidism and my doctors were treating me fro depression. I was put in a mental ward for 10 days in January and 10 days in February and loaded up on anti depressants. I shook, cried and was unable to function. However,I was told to see a psychiatrist. I had such bad allergic reactions to antidepressants and was told that I need ECT (shock therapy). At present, I am still not getting the medical care I need to function. I am so tired of being treated like I am crazy and have also been feeling the effects of low blood sugar which is debilitating. I am in the process of trying to find new doctors. I can’t stand to be treated like a hypochondriac.

    Post count: 93172

    A girl i know who got Graves disease two years ago…..has felt like total
    poop..and i mean to the point where she could not function–physically…
    probably talked to some of you on this board and probably talked to fifty drs about herself….called every organization…and many people from the east to west coast….had drs office girls ignoring her and never giving drs messages…owes mega bucjs to drs,, labsm and phone co….went on antidepressants…had blood sugar flucutating…feeling dizzy…feeling faint….muscle aches…weakness in muscles and was extemely fatigued…hard menstrual cycles….had mental functioning problems…but

    not to the point that she ever gave up and let the drs teeell her it was all in her head…….she persued it because she had faith in her own instinct about how she felt not how the drs said she should be feeling….

    what happened was it was recently found that although she has actually had good readings on her blood levels they found that she has an absorbtion problem….i asked well if your levels are normal how can that be?

    she has siliac disease an intestinal disease that does not let the thyroxine get into the organs= i assume…..i asked Dr Wall
    about that just now (because this diagnosis came from the Barnes Foundation and i wanted to see if this was a conventional medicine test or diagnosis) he said yes that if there is a disease of the intestines or colon that one could have normal levels and yet have hypo symptoms….i said well would an endo be attuned to something like that he said yes…but in order to find it a stool sample or gastroscopy etc. would have to be done to determine that …hmmm i said….

    this girl had hashimotos that was never treated even though her levels show it on med rec, since she was seventeen……and then it turned into graves……

    as a result of this malabsorbtion she is also malnutritioned and has a b12 deficncy and also has low adrenal function…..

    in Gillian Fords book listening to your hormones…she says that you can have multiglanular malfunctions at the same time…..although it is not common and it is usually a genetic thing…..i wonder if people–the ten percent or so that do not feel well after treatment for years ….may have a similar situation going on….

    one thing i can say is i give this girl credit for her relentless persuit to wellness despite all the drs and people questioning her as if she was a hypochondriac….,,she never gave up on herself….and through her experience even if one person is saved the torture of going through all this …it will have been worth it…… has anyone else heard of this???

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